English report
983208009 黃品璇 Nicole
983208018 陳嘉雯 Tina Chen
983208061 賴鳳美
983208036 謝詩涵 Selina
983208036 謝詩涵 Selina
983208039 錢廷娟 Jennifer
983208086 劉秋儀 Jenny Lin
983208086 劉秋儀 Jenny Lin
Iran introduction
Iran is a long history of ancient civilizations. 1000 years BC Persian settlement in this. 6th century b.c. established the Persian Empire, become across Europe, Asia, Africa and three continents in a powerful Empire. 330 BC after the Empire, one after the establishment of the Sabbath and Shan dynasty. 7th century, the Arabs invaded. After being Turki, Mongolia human occupation. 19 century gradually reduced to Britain, according to semi-colonial. Establishment of Pahlavi dynasty in 1925. 1979 11 February, religious leader Ayatollah Khomeini takeover of power. April 1, announced the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is the world's major oil producers and exporters.
Iran in the East and the Mainland is continental subtropical steppe and desert climate, drying and little rain, cold and change. Western mountains mostly Mediterranean climate. Caspian mild, the average annual precipitation over 1000 mm. <:zmkey class=zoomino-searchword anchorType="parent" offset="71" jQuery1289408291875="7"> Central plateau average annual precipitation is 100 mm. The best from October to April, the weather's cooler. 6-8 months, traders more holiday-makers.
Geographical location : Iran is located in Southwest Asia, the Middle East, North West and West Asia belong to Azerbaijan and Armenia northeast of the adjacent, and Turkmenistan East of the border, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Iraq and Turkey , close to the Caspian Sea in the North , South on the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea
•Terrain: the Northeast and Midwest are thousands of meters of mountains around the middle of mostly desert.
Capital city: Tehran city.
Important cities: in addition to Tehran city there is Isla French-Chinese, Shiraz
Capital city: Tehran city.
Important cities: in addition to Tehran city there is Isla French-Chinese, Shiraz
Top-down by green, white, red, three parallel horizontal strips. In the middle of the white stripes, inlaid with red emblem of Iran. White and green, red, junction, respectively was written with the Arabic " Allah the great " , up and down the 11 sentence, 22 sentence. This is to commemorate the Islamic revolution, — a.d. 1979 years 2 month 11 , Islam Taiyangli as 11 month 22 day. The green represents on the flag, the symbol of life and agriculture; white symbolizes the Holy and pure; red for Iran is rich in mineral resources.
Iran Emblem
consists of four Crescent, a Sword and a copy of the Koran. Crescent symbol of the religious — Islam; the Koran is located at the top, the symbol of the Islamic Republic of is above all else, on the basis of the code of conduct; the sword symbolizes the power firmness and, like a giant blade Ferris, force " Devil chopped ". Four Crescent and the composition of the Koran classics " Arabic Allah " (Allah), but the entire pattern round, the symbol of the Earth, " ALA said " of Islamic thought all over the world.
Iran Map
Iran's World Heritage
•Meidan Emam, Esfahan
Built by Shah Abbas I the Great at the beginning of the 17th century, and bordered on all sides by monumental buildings linked by a series of two-storeyed arcades, the site is known for the Royal Mosque, the Mosque of Sheykh Lotfollah, the magnificent Portico of Qaysariyyeh and the 15th-century Timurid palace. They are an impressive testimony to the level of social and cultural life in Persia during the Safavid era.
•Soltani yecheng (Soltaniyeh-Mausoleum) Aoli leaf map mausoleum :

•Takht-e Soleyman

•Armenian Monastic Ensembles of Iran

•Tchogha Zanbil
•Bam and its Cultural Landscape:
